Taking Care of a Pregnant Dog with a whelping box – A Comprehensive Guide

Being able to witness your dog get pregnant and produce a generation of tiny little puppies can be a gratifying experience. However, it is safe to say that the entire process can be very confusing and stressful for a new dog owner. For someone considering breeding their dog, there is much information they must first take into account. Multiple aspects like the dog’s breed and health must be considered before starting this time-consuming yet worthwhile journey.

Taking care of a pregnant dog may feel daunting, but a little research and knowledge can take you a long way.

How Longs Are Dogs Pregnant?

The first and arguably most important question must be answered: How long are dogs pregnant for? The answer to this question is essential for planning and preparing for the arrival of the puppies.

On average, a dog’s gestation period lasts around 63 days. However, this number varies depending

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